Golden Milk Recipe
Apparently I’m a few years behind the trends when it comes to fancy coffee. Because I only recently tried Golden Milk, or as my barista called it, a Turmeric Latte. And I can tell you, Golden Milk is not only caffeine free, it’s also delicious and very good for you! In Chinese Medicine turmeric is an herb known as Jiang Huang,...
4 Tips for Creating a Relaxing Bedtime Routine
Please review the 4 tips below and allow them to inspire you to create your own relaxing bedtime routine to help reduce your anxiety. The important thing to remember is that it should be simple, realistic, and tailored to your specific lifestyle and interests. Tea Time! Unwind with making some nice relaxing tea about 1...
Myo-Inositol for Irregular Ovulation
Ovulation is an essential process your body goes through, and is “an event linked with reproduction,” as stated in a published study, “Ovulation, a sign of health” (Vigil et Al, 2017). The writers further discuss how ovulation plays a major role in a woman’s life span, as our bodies prepare for ovulation during childhood, and...
The Truth About Caffeine
People have a love affair with their coffee. I can relate. I used to be quite committed to coffee, too. And tea. It was not easy to give up caffeine completely, even after I learned how detrimental it was for my personal health at the time. It was like a bad relationship habit that I kept finding my way back to time and again, only to be...
4 Simple Changes to Help With Insomnia
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine’s ICSD-3 manual, insomnia is defined as “persistent difficulty with sleep initiation, duration, consolidation or quality,” and the CDC stated that 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep. As anyone who’s ever had a sleepless night can tell you, lack of sleep can affect our mood,...
Caring For Your Thyroid
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the throat that is integral to the hormonal and metabolic regulatory dance that your body orchestrates among its larger system of endocrine glands, brain and gut. It’s responsible for controlling metabolism, menstrual cycles and mood, as well as a myriad of other biological functions. The...
Natural Remedies for Allergies
It’s Allergy Season The sun is shining, flowers are starting to peek out of the soil, and puffy winter coats are being put away. Spring is coming! In Chinese Medicine, spring is the time of Wood energy, when the world starts to emerge from hibernation, days grow longer and warmer and our energy is rejuvenated. For some of us, though,...
Vitamin D and IBS
We hear a lot about the importance of vitamin D with respect to its links to mood, bone health, immunity and hormonal regulation, but did you know it also plays an important role in gut health? This is not surprising if you consider there are special vitamin D receptors in the gut and most absorption occurs in the intestines. Studies on...