Acupuncture can help treat any diagnosed autoimmune condition and undiagnosed immunological problems such as food allergies, seasonal allergies, skin reactions, and other immunologically-based infertility. An autoimmune response is the body’s way of reacting to anything it perceives as “foreign.” In Traditional Chinese Medicine, these imbalances in your body’s energy can be treated with regular acupuncture to decrease the body’s autoimmune responses.
Acupuncture improves circulatory function and hormonal balance. This is helpful is boosting the strength of your ovaries and helping the uterus to grow a thick lining for implantation.
Many women have hormone imbalances that make it more difficult to conceive. This includes high FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone), or inappropriate levels of other hormones like estrogen, testosterone. Balancing your hormones is a key element for reproductive success, and acupuncture can help stimulate or relax the necessary parts of your body to produce a healthy hormonal ratio.
Acupuncture can help with fertility by managing autoimmune conditions. These conditions can create a poor environment for conception because they change the way the body reacts to “intruders” that may result in an attack on the pregnancy.