We are a child-friendly practice and welcome kids of all ages. In addition to helping children with the same things as adults, there are many child and adolescent-specific ailments that can be helped with acupuncture.
For babies, acupuncture can help to settle and relax the body. It is very effective at helping with conditions such as colic, constipation, eczema, acne, slow development and allergies. At Naturna, we treat babies as young as one week old.
Acupuncture has also been shown to help with behavioral concerns, from widespread behaviors such as those associated with ADHD to specific behaviors like bedwetting. Acupuncture can help ease a child’s anxiety and regulate their sleep and moods. Other common pediatric conditions such as asthma or allergies can be treated just like they are for adults, and children often have immediate results after treatment. It is common for a child to feel quick relief of breathing problems, hives, allergies, and other immune or respiratory distresses during their first treatment session, and the effects are both long-lasting and impactful.
Teenagers are also great candidates for acupuncture treatment, as acupuncture has been shown to decrease stress and anxiety. It is also helpful for pain, moods, acne, digestive disorders and other common teenage afflictions. As a parent or caregiver, you may have questions about how acupuncture may work for your child in particular, so don’t hesitate to call or email to learn more about what we can do to help.