Where’s the beef?
Beef is one of the most powerful commodities on the planet thanks to its amazing protein and high contents of vitamin B12, zinc, selenium, iron, niacin, and vitamin B6. In an ideal scenario, if you are purchasing beef, it should be organic, pasture raised, grass fed & grass finished which means the cow is never enclosed in a...
Do you Filter Your Drinking Water?
Access to clean water is a fundamental health imperative that most residents of this country are fortunate enough to have available in our homes. In fact, we are so accustomed to this luxury that we may take it for granted. While there’s much to be grateful for, I encourage you to take a moment to think critically about the quality of...
Insulin resistance: Why and How to Avoid it
Insulin resistance (IR) is related to the body’s blood sugar regulation and can be regarded as essentially an imbalance in a particular individual’s food consumption relative to what is needed. Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose to enter the body’s cells where it is used as energy. More glucose means more insulin is needed....
The Healthy Sugar Alternative For the Ages
Do you have a sweet tooth? You don't need to be ashamed. Many of us do! Some of us prefer chocolate while others may indulge in cookies or cake but a 2011 study based on data from the Swedish Mammography Cohort may have you thinking twice before reaching for that extra sweet treat this holiday season. The study, which examined 61,226...
A Beginners Guide to Inflammation (And Ways To Reduce It!)
You hear it all the time. Inflammation is terrible. Worldwide, 3 of 5 people die due to chronic inflammatory diseases like stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, heart disorders, cancer, obesity, and diabetes. And far more people are impacted. But what exactly is inflammation? And what do we do about it? There are two types of...
Finding Your Fitness Balance
Movement is such an important aspect of health, but you may be wondering how much and what types to practice. As is true with most wellness matters, balance is key. However, what that looks like will likely vary from person to person. So let’s share some of the benefits and impacts of different workouts to help guide...
Summer in the City
Summer is the season of heat and vitality. It’s the most yang time of the year. Long days and abundant sun drive us outside and propel us into activity, motivating us to move our bodies and soak in the warmth. Chinese Medicine teaches us that each season is connected to one of the five elements, and summer belongs to Fire. Fire is...
How to Combat the Post-Pandemic Blues with Acupuncture and Self-Cultivation Activities
Are you still feeling the lingering effects of the pandemic, like loneliness and anxiety, even though everything is starting to open back up? If so or if you know someone who is, I invite you to read this blog to learn more about alternative treatments that can help provide relief. Acupuncture Points If you are...