TEN practical ways to endure the 2 week wait for your pregnancy test
1. If you do not like/love your OBGYN, start interviewing new ones that are covered under your insurance. Review your insurance plan to see what is covered for maternity etc.
2. Buy a package of a few pregnancy tests so you are ready when that day comes
3. Prepare gifts or cards for upcoming birthdays/holidays/showers etc.
4. Start ticking things off your to do list that have been on there for too long – or remove them altogether forever
5. Buy the book “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying up” by Marie Kondo and read it – this should keep you busy for at least 2 weeks
6. Enroll in an class for your own enrichment that you have been meaning to do
7. Get your moles checked
8. Schedule to see someone you have not seen in a long time despite living in the same city
9. Schedule your yearly physical
10. Go see the dentist