Breech presentation is when the baby’s buttocks and/or feet, instead of its head, are closest to the mother’s cervix. The baby can be in either of the following three breech positions: Complete (the baby is in a fetal position with the knees bent), Frank (the baby has both legs extended), or Incomplete (the baby has one knee bent and one leg extended). All babies are technically in a breech position during their first weeks of development. When the head of the baby becomes more developed and is heavy enough to weigh itself down, the baby will naturally turn to the cephalic position. Unfortunately, there are some uterine issues that prevent the baby from turning that may cause serious neonatal complications, such as restricted fetal growth, and can hinder a healthy, safe birth. Sometimes, the placenta is blocking the cervix or is too big and occupies much of the space in the uterus, keeping the baby from having room to turn on its own. The shape of the mother’s pelvis can also affect the baby’s mobility. An abnormally shaped pelvis can alter the shape of the uterus, creating more difficulty for the baby to move around. In Chinese medicine, it is believed that the BL 67 point, zhiyin, located on the outer side of the pinky toe has a connection to the uterus, and is used to treat uterine complications such as breech presentation. The practice to turn a baby using the zhiyin point is by applying smoke of moxa sticks to the point for 20 minutes, which then triggers movement of the baby. Current research has shown that when moxibustion accompanied with acupuncture is applied consistently starting when the mother is 33-35 weeks pregnant, breech presentation at term is reduced, eliminating the need for an ECV or a C-section for many women. Patients have written us explaining how shocked they were when they felt their baby start to move every time moxibustion was applied to the zhiyin points on both feet.