Health Benefits of Bee Pollen
Raw honey is all the rage these days and for good reason. It has a myriad of health benefits including, but not limited to, boosting your immune system, soothing a sore throat, relieving allergies and even clearing your skin! However, the real magic is that of bee pollen, which has been consumed in natural medicine for centuries. Bee pollen is composed of flower pollen, nectar, enzymes, honey, wax and bee secretions. This golden treasure is packed with incredible health benefits, so let’s get into why it is one of our favorite superfoods.
Numerous studies have shown that bee pollen is a powerhouse of nutrition, containing essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It’s no wonder that it’s often referred to as nature’s multivitamin! Similar to raw honey, bee pollen also boosts your immunity and energy levels. Additionally, it does wonders for your gut health. Bee pollen is rich in enzymes and fiber, aiding digestion and promoting healthy gut flora. According to the National Library of Medicine, “Bee pollen has played a role in combating metabolic disorders such as diabetes, obesity, hyper-dyslipidemia, and related cardiovascular complications.” With its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticancer and antioxidant properties, it has quickly become one of the most valuable superfoods in natural medicine.
Adding to the list of its beneficial properties, bee pollen can also work in synergy with other herbs to help in cases of insulin resistance. “Bee pollen, Philippine flemingia root, Radix Astragali, and Radix Puerariae were incorporated into a pharmaceutical formulation to help reduce blood sugar levels [63]. A bee pollen and propolis formulation was tested on 28 hyperglycemic individuals. For 12 and 23 patients, the blood sugar level was lower after one week and two weeks, respectively [62].” Some of this research may come as a shock considering when we think of bee products, we think of sugar. However, bee pollen is an incredibly nutrient-dense food, making it incredibly beneficial for general health and disease prevention.
Bee pollen can also do wonders for your allergies! It contains flavonoids high in quercetin, which is extremely beneficial in reducing inflammation, thus helping the immune system function properly. When we have an excess of inflammation in our system, it can cause our bodies to go haywire. So, including this in your diet can help calm the immune response. As stated previously, bee pollens’ positive impact on our gut flora directly correlates with our immune systems as 80% of our immunity stems from our gut! The more you know! This is why what we consume has a tremendous impact on how we feel.
Now that we have gone over all the glorious benefits of nature’s hidden gem, let’s go over how to incorporate it into your diet. Bee pollen is considered a dietary supplement, so it is best to consult with your doctor before making any changes to your dietary or lifestyle habits. Remember, when choosing bee pollen or other bee products, opt for raw and unprocessed varieties to reap all the health benefits. So go ahead, indulge in the golden goodness of bee pollen, and let nature’s sweet nectar work its magic!
Algethami, J. S., El-Wahed, A. A. A., Elashal, M. H., Ahmed, H. R., Elshafiey, E. H., Omar, E. M., Naggar, Y. A., Algethami, A. F., Shou, Q., Alsharif, S. M., Xu, B., Shehata, A. A., Guo, Z., Khalifa, S. A. M., Wang, K., & El-Seedi, H. R. (2022, July 12). Bee Pollen: Clinical trials and patent applications. Nutrients. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9323277/
Trending – bee pollen. Center for Research on Ingredient Safety. (n.d.). https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/trending-bee-pollen#:~:text=Additionally%2C%20individuals%20with%20allergies%20to,medical%20professional%20before%20using%20it.