Mineral Balancing Program
All of the biochemical processes in our bodies are dependent on minerals in one way or another, including crucial roles like oxygen delivery, fluid balance, structural support, energy production, enzymatic reactions, and neutralization of free radicals and toxins. To function optimally, it’s important for our inner array of minerals to...

Staying Healthy On the Go
In our fast-paced world, it can be challenging to prioritize our health when we're always on the go. This is especially true in the midst of the holiday season. This time of year can be hectic. Between preparing for the holiday parties or getting travel plans in order, we never stop going. Because of our busy schedules, our lifestyles...

Spooky Candy Isn’t Dandy
Spooky season is here! For a lot of people, Halloween is a fun time to dress up, be creative with your appearance, and take part in the yearly traditions. Unfortunately for most, that means the consumption of lots of candy. It may seem like a harmless tradition at the moment, but the short and long-term effects can haunt you long after...

Benefits of Breakfast
Benefits of Breakfast by Andrea Vannelli As a kid, I was taught that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It turns out there’s a lot of truth in that for grown-ups as well as children. Unfortunately, missing breakfast seems to be a common habit among busy adults, with up to 25% of Americans regularly skipping...

Letting in the Light
By Andrea Vannelli According to the Chinese solar calendar, February 4th of this year marked the first day of spring. Considering this coincided with a cold snap of weather dipping into the single Fahrenheit digits, it can be hard to relate. But the ancient Chinese scholars were wise observers of nature’s rhythms. This...

Hold Your Tongue!
Did you know your body can be in one of two modes depending on your tongue posture? Did you know your body goes into survival mode when your tongue is not sealed to the roof of your mouth and immediately goes into healing mode when your tongue rests on the roof of your mouth? This is the job of the autonomic nervous system and the...

Healthy Hormones Depend on a Healthy Gut
By Andrea Vannelli Taking care of the gut truly is a pillar of good health. The gut microbiota is a major aspect of our internal ecosystem, and it seems the more we learn about this complex consortium of microbes, the more we understand just how intricately it is related to myriad important health factors. The human GI tract...

The Scariest Part About Halloween…Candy!
Halloween is upon us and you know what that means? Candy! Candy is definitely the scariest thing about Halloween and for good reason! While it may be tempting to let yourself, or worse your kids, gobble down all those tasty treats, you may want to think twice. This year is as good as any to face the facts about the real dark side of...