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(646) 609-4250

Ways to Stay Healthy This Fall When Headed Back to School and Work

Going back to the office or working from home? Should the kids go back to school or continue virtually? These seem to be the top concerns on everyone’s mind lately and they may not be easy to answer. That doesn’t mean finding ways to stay well during these times can’t be easy.  We’re here to guide you in finding simple ways to help keep you and your family healthy when headed back to school and/or work this Fall.  

Wellness can be considered in more ways than one – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The goal is to maintain balance in these areas the best we can.  Keep reading if you’re interested in learning about a few easy ways to give a wellness boost to your daily routine.



  • Don’t let the gym being closed be your excuse not to workout. Find a 15 – 30 minute full body workout to do at home. If you don’t have equipment, don’t worry! YouTube and other online platforms have numerous routines you can do with what you already have at home.
  • If you have kiddos around, then find a workout video to do together, go for a bike ride, or a hike outside.
  • Remember to maintain a nutritious diet filled with vital nutrients and stay hydrated. This is key to keeping your body, mind, and immune system in tip-top shape to ward off any kind of illness. If you prefer specific recommendations then scheduling a virtual session with your practitioner or health care professional might do the trick!



  • Keeping a journal and dedicating 15 – 20 minutes daily to write in it is a really excellent tool. This can be a safe place for you to get those ruminating thoughts out of your head, so you can fully focus on your wellness. Usually, our thoughts just want to be heard or expressed!
  • Creating time for daily meditation or relaxation is so important. Even as little as 5-10 minutes a day can help tremendously over the course of just a few weeks. Meditation doesn’t always have to be sitting in silence. It can be enjoying the beauty of nature while on an evening or morning walk or listening to a song that touches your heart.
  • Daily or weekly check-ins with the family. Make sure to check in with your kids, family, and loved ones either daily or weekly just to see how they are doing. These conversations, whether they are 5 minutes or an hour, can go a long way.



  • Diving into a good book or a hobby can do wonders for the soul. I just picked up coloring again for the first time in years and my inner child is beaming!
  • Discover or rediscover yoga. There are many types of gentle yoga (i.e. yoga nidra) that cater to helping you release or work through your emotions in a healthy way.
  • Picking up the phone and calling a good friend also does wonders. Staying connected is so important at any time of our life!


Wow, there are so many things we can do to stay healthy during these unprecedented and uncertain times! All we have to do is be willing and open to trying some of them. Of course, this list of suggestions doesn’t stop here. Allow this blog to inspire you to find other ways that may work better for you, your family, and lifestyle. Stay safe and well everyone – we can get through this together one step at a time!